Tracking Social Media Metrics Is As Easy as KPI

Tracking Social Media Metrics Is As Easy as KPI

You’ve put time and effort into creating a sound social media strategy, but if you’re not tracking its effectiveness your campaign won’t reach its full potential. That’s where key performance indicators (KPI) come into play.

KPIs are absolutely vital because they look at all the data from your brand’s social platforms. A savvy social media manager can analyze KPI metrics to see if your company is meeting its social media goals.

Social media isn’t a static landscape, and KPIs give you the fluidity and flexibility to see what works and what doesn’t, and make adjustments accordingly, as platforms evolve and change. I use KPIs to cut through all the likes, comments, links, and posts and synthesize them to create customized, detailed reports for my clients. This saves companies hours of employee manpower that they can instead focus on doing what their business does best.

There are countless KPIs, which can be daunting if this kind of data analysis isn’t your specialty. Here are some key tenets to keep in mind:

  • Focus Only on What’s Necessary

Stick to KPIs that are meaningful to your brand’s stated objectives. If your company is trying to build up its audience on Instagram, the follower growth rate can tell you if you’re succeeding. This KPI calculates how many followers you’re adding at the end of a month in relation to the number of followers you started with at the beginning of the month.

  • Create a Benchmark

You can’t measure growth without a starting point. Make sure you set a baseline for each KPI, which allows you to track changes on a granular weekly basis, the big picture YOY metric, or both.

  • Decide on a Reporting Strategy

You’ll need to figure out how often you want reports on your KPIs. It may be weekly or biweekly if you’re in the middle of a new campaign, or you may want consistent monthly reporting. You may also ask for different reporting intervals for various KPIs. Your social media manager can work on a plan that keeps you fully informed and gives you the opportunity to revise strategy or respond to trends revealed by the data.

  • Keep an Eye on the Essentials

In addition to any goal-specific KPIs, many brands will also want some metrics that give a comprehensive, holistic view of their social media performance. These KPIs may include:

  • Impressions
  • Followers/follower growth rate
  • Reach (post views)
  • Engagement (which can be broken down by likes, comments, shares, etc.)
  • Website traffic and conversion rates
  • Share of voice (how often your company is mentioned in relation to specific keywords or hashtags)

We Make KPI Tracking Easy

You don’t need to take precious hours out of your day navigating the analytics tools for each of your social media channels to make heads or tails of the data. Perfect Partner Solutions filters out the data you don’t need and focuses on the KPIs that will bring you the best results. We have the tools that enable us to easily track all your KPIs across all of your social platforms, delivering concise, accurate reports along with recommendations for next steps. Get in touch and learn more about how we can help your brand.